Year 1 WC 24.9.18

Date: 28th Sep 2018 @ 10:30pm

What an exciting week we've had in Year 1. On Wednesday we decorated some gingerbread men, however, during break time they ran away! This led to some very exciting discussion about where they had run off to especially as we kept finding lots of clues around the classroom. Luckily the CCTV caught them making an escape. If you follow our Twitter and Facebook page you can see the children's wonderful gingerbread designs. 

In maths we have continued with place value. The children have been introduced to the greater than/less than symbols and used them to compare numbers (< and >). They were also challenged with riddles such as: 

I am thinking of a number between 0 and 20. 

It is < 16.

It is > 12.

What could my number be? 

In RE we learnt the story of the wise and foolish builders. This led us to think about our Christian Values and we considered how Jesus might want us to live. 

Don't forget we are having a Kings and Queens day on Tuesday 9th October and our Stay and Make on the afternoon of Tuesday 16th October. 


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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