Year 5 WC 5th September
Date: 10th Sep 2022 @ 1:24pm
What a wonderful first week we’ve had in Year 5! We began the year by reading a book called ‘Find Your Happy’ by Emily Coxhead which is a gorgeous book about a sloth who thinks of ways he can ‘find his happy’ even if he’s feeling sad, worried, angry, scared or shy. This led us to think about things we can do when we’re not feeling great. The children shared some lovely ideas and created little posters which we’ll put on display to remind us when we need to ‘find our happy’.
On Wednesday, we visited the International Slavery Museum to kickstart our history topic on the International Slave Trade. We had a very interesting day learning about the lives of enslaved Africans from what their lives were like before they became enslaved, their journey across the Middle Passage and the brutal treatment they endured when working in plantations in America. In our afternoon session, we learnt about the legacies of the slave trade. The children discussed the impact of racism and how this made people feel.
In Maths this week we have been focusing on Place Value and numbers to 10,000. The children have demonstrated a very good understanding and have been working on rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We’ll be continuing with this topic next week.
In English, we explored some objects from our new text, The Promise: some acorns inside an old handbag, the words HATE, MEAN, UGLY, HARD on bits of paper that were stuffed into the pockets of the bag and a lumberjack shirt. The children had some very imaginative ideas about what the story might be about. Next week, we’ll be looking at the illustrations in the text to inspire some poetry writing and then we’ll be exploring some new vocabulary and phrases.
Yesterday was World First Aid Day. In Year 5, using resources from St John Ambulance, we learnt about what to do when faced with an emergency situation, such as the importance of keeping ourselves safe; how to call for help correctly and how to give the correct information to the emergency services. Following on from this, next week we will be learning about what to do if someone is bleeding.
Just a reminder that homework will be set on Monday using our new Maths and English books (there is no Showbie or MyMaths anymore). Details will be written in your child’s planner and books will be due back in on the following Monday. Our new spelling rule will also be written in planners, with a mini test the following week.
Children are allowed to bring in pencil cases this year if they want to. All stationery will be provided.
Our new timetable begins on Monday- these are stuck in the front of planners.
If you have any questions, please pop us a message on Class Dojo.
Mrs Field and Mr Lindblad