wb 22.4 Y4

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 7:49am

As the term continued on apace, we flexed our fronted adverbial muscles, attempting to write exciting sentences in anticipation of our imminent myth writing. Or in other words, we've been trying to write interesting sentences this week! We have been reading all about Viking folklore, such as the Kracken and Dwarves as well as getting to know our Vehicle Text, Arthur and the Golden Rope.

Speaking about books, the children have delighted in introducing me to the Dinosaur That Pooped... series! If you haven't experienced it, I can promise that they are as charming as their title implies. If we take them to York, I have promised to read them for bedtime story.

In Maths, we have focussed again on decimals. Today, we explored how 50% is the same as 1/2 and the same as 0.5. Next week, we begin a new topic- Money. This is an extension of our decimal work dealing with numbers such as £1.25. We will be looking at how there always has to be tenths and hundredths when writing money.

Two church visits have enhanced our week, as you will see from the photos. Mrs Pulle's leaving service was a bittersweet joy as the children overflowed with love for her, singing songs, reading poems and, in Year 4's case, sharing memories. Well done to Isabel, Elliot and Sophia for their contribution. On Thursday, Year 4 walked to church for their class visit. Rev Sandi explained that the events of Easter still dominate the Church calender, as she told of how Jesus appeared to people on the road to Emmaus. Sophia helped out again, admirably!

Our song of the week was Mr Cotton's favourite- The Smiths, Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now. The children delighted in Morrisey's dancing performance and were also treated to Mr Cotton making some dancing moves! A great introduction to a lesson on sound and decibels. It also tied in well with our music lesson regarding pitch. Morrisey's choice of pitch is often quite minimal- a conscious decision to create the effect he wanted to. We had a go at writing our own melodies using a limited range of pitches.

As the week came to a close, Esmae and Tom received certificates for the consistently excellent work in all subjects. Well done to them.

Hoping that the weather warms before next Wednesday and wishing you a beautiful weekend.

Mrs Tice, Mrs Gleave and Mrs Warren.

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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