Year 2 w/b 14th November

Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 12:34pm

What another fantastic week of learning we have had in Year Two!

We started this week off celebrating ‘World Kindness Day’. We were very fortunate to join an online assembly which discussed what is meant by ‘kindness’, why kindness is so important, including the role it plays in creating strong, supportive communities and different ways we can show kindness every day. We then discovered the science of kindness and the impact this has on our physical and mental health. Our theme for Anti-Bullying week is ‘reaching out’. The children created a ‘reach out’ display by drawing round their hand and writing important messages on them to spread kindness.

In English, we have been writing our letters. The children have been following their plans carefully to write a letter to their own superhero, requesting their assistance with a problem – two baddies! I am looking forward to reading these once they are finished next week.

Our spelling rule this week has been: the soft c. This rule applies to words such as: city, exercise, excellent, bouncy, fancy and mice.

In maths this week, we have been looking at the column method for addition and subtraction. We were able to add 2-digit numbers using this method, making sure to add the ones first and then the tens. Later in the week, we began to learn the concept of ‘exchanging’ using the column method.

This week has been ‘computing week’ for Year Two, so each afternoon has been dedicated to a computing lesson. At the start of the week, we learnt the parts of a computer and were able to label a desktop computer and a laptop. Then, on a laptop using Sketchpad, we created a computer using different shapes and tools. The children showed wonderful skill, determination and resilience within this activity! Later in the week, we learnt about inputs and outputs. We enjoyed using the ‘Year Two remote control’ to input commands (by pressing buttons) and observing the output (actions performed by the rest of the class). Next, we designed our own robots and decided what would happen if we pressed certain buttons. This led to creating and designing our very own inventions.

It has been most exciting to begin our Nativity preparations this week. I have no doubt that the children will all be absolutely wonderful on stage! It would be fantastic if you could continue to learn lines at home.  

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask via email, Dojo or through a note in reading diaries.

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Roxburgh

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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