Year 3 WC 12.12.16

Date: 10th Dec 2016 @ 9:39pm

Last week the children wrote some fantastic innovations of the story, Beowulf. I'm particularly pleased with how they are trying so hard to use new and interesting vocabulary in their work. It is also wonderful to see the children so excited about language as they are keen to show me words and phrases they have 'magpied' during their reading at home. In English this week, we are starting the 'invent' stage as they will now write their own stories with a similar structure to Beowulf. 

In Maths this week we are reviewing mental strategies for addition and subtraction. This involves using their knowledge of place value to add and subtract 3 digit numbers and 1s, 10s and 100s. 

For those children in my spelling group, this week we are reviewing all the spellings from this last half term. There will be a test of 20 spellings which will be a mixture of all those that we have learnt. 

The Year 3/4 Christmas party is on Tuesday 20th December. I will pop a note in children's planners with a suggestion for something to contribute. Please don't send any fizzy drinks or cordials. 

Don't forget it is Christmas jumper day on Friday 16th December! 

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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