Year 2 w/b 16th September 2024
Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 5:22pm
In our collective worship this week, Mrs Wood told us the story of Nehemiah; he was very sad to hear that his home-city, Jerusalem, was in shambles and so he prayed to God that King Artaxerxes would let him return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city's walls. The King agreed. Nehemiah got to Jerusalem and inspected the walls and found them in very poor condition and he started to rebuild the wall himself, then he convinced the leaders of Jerusalem to start a rebuilding project together. It took them 52 days to complete the walls of Jerusalem. This story taught us that we should all work together to make our school great, we are all part of the school community and should all help and support each other.
Year 2 - The Bible. Why is the Bible such a special book?
Year 2 pupils have been sharing stories from the Old and New Testament by performing for each other. We learned book of the Bible each of the stories came from and what we can learn from each story. The pupils also explained which is their favourite story and why. Some of the stories shared today included; Noah, Joseph, Moses, David, Jonah, Daniel, The Parable of the Lost Seep and the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
We are continuing to use the text ‘A River’ by Marc Martin. This week the children have been exploring the meaning od the words and phrases within the text and explored the text by answering comprehension questions to ensure they have understood the text. At the end of the week the children have started to plan their own circular narrative ready to write their own story next week.
In Maths we continue our place value to 100 focus, homework in maths journals will reflect this. We have been using number lines where lines represent either jumps of one or ten and then estimating on a number line. We are now confident when comparing numbers using the language ‘greater than’ ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’.
How are you feeling today? The children have discussed a range of words to describe their feelings. Learnt how to recognise that people have different ways of expressing their feelings and identified helpful ways of responding to other’s feelings.
Continuing with the maps topic, the children have learnt to use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise and create landmarks. They created a map of our classroom from a bird-eye view perspective.
In DT this week we have been learning to sew using a running stitch. Through our research, we recognised that most puppets are joined together using sewing so this is exactly what we will do. It was lovely to see the determination and perseverance from all of Year Two during this session.
Science this week has included looking at the human life stages and describing animals and their offspring.
Our focus has now sifted from gymnastic shapes to travelling and jumping like a gymnast. We have refined the straight jump and star jump from Year One and added in a tuck jump. Each of these jumps included a start position, a ready position, the jump itself and a finish position. We really do have some talented gymnasts in our class.
Things to remember:
Please remember to check Dojo for helpful reminders and messages.
Maths homework, given out on a Monday to be returned the following Monday.
Reading each night and signing to show this. Pace and fluency continue to be a focus this year and reading a familiar text frequently supports this reading skill.
Waterproofs/clothes to cover school uniforms and wellies every Wednesday.
PE kits on a Friday.
Water bottles in every day.
Enjoy the weekend.
Mrs Lindersen and Mrs Forrester