Year 2 w/b 23rd September 2024

Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 5:05pm

In our collective worship this week, we reflected on our behaviours from the past few weeks; thinking about how we have encouraged each other and built each other up, if we have followed our school rules and if we have been good friends. We listened to some drama by year 6 pupils where one friends wasn’t very good at listening to his friend, but they saw their ways and changed to be a better friend by listening and therefore supporting and helping their friends. We ended our worship with a prayer:


Thank you for the gift of friends.

Help us to Encourage each other and build each other up.

Make us aware when our friends feel sad or are in need.

Help us to Encourage each other and build each other up.

When we are tempted to criticise help us instead, to Encourage each other and build each other up.




Year 2 - The Bible. Why is the Bible such a special book?

We discussed that originally the Bible was written on many scrolls, not in a book.

It is recorded in the Bible that Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah when he went to the synagogue. (Luke 4:14-21)

The children learnt the story of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the caves at Qumran. In 1947 to Muhammed edh-Dhib a young man who was looking after goats near Qumran, 13 miles east of Jerusalem. He threw a stone into a cave with the intention of coercing a stray animal to come out, instead he heard the sound of breaking pottery. He went in to investigate and found many jars containing scrolls including the book of Isaiah.

The children then wrote on role as Muhammed and described finding the scrolls and how this made them feel.



This week we are concluding our work on The River text by writing our own stories about a character who travels along a river, through a rainforest, factories and past a waterfall and describes everything he sees and hears. The pupils are focussing on good letter formation that is the correct size relative to one another and using punctuation correctly, including a comma in a list.



This week we have completed our first unit of Maths in Year Two and are now moving on to our second unit: addition and subtraction. At the end of each unit we will complete a short assessment that will support our teacher judgements of pupil progress. As you will have seen, Mrs Forrester sent out a dojo message sharing an area of our current maths that would be great to work on at home. The work children complete in their weekly maths homework supports learning in school and will give you an idea of the topics we are working on.



Let’s all be happy!

All the children in year 2 could recognise, name and understand how to deal with feelings. They discussed and explained where someone could get help if they were being upset by someone else's behaviour.



We discussed and recapped what the terms; perspective and aerial view mean. Then the children continued to work on their classroom maps from the last lesson; using shapes to create our classroom from an aerial view. There was a lot of good scissor work to cut out the small shapes and it needed a careful look to make sure their map was an accurate representation of our classroom.



This week we planned our hand puppets ready to start making next week. We have some creative ideas that we can’t wait to bring to life over the coming weeks.



We continue to think about the basic needs of all animals including humans. This week we thought about the different needs of a baby and an adult human. We realised that the only difference was that a baby would get its food and water from the milk it consumes. Supporting our findings that all living things need oxygen, food, water and shelter.



Our gymnastic skills continue to build and this week we have incorporated three rolls into our repertoire of gymnastic skills (alongside jumps and shapes). We developed our T roll, dish and dome, and our rock, roll and up to standing. These are moves children could work on at home.


Enjoy the weekend.

Mrs Lindersen and Mrs Forrester

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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