Year 3 wb: 29.4.24

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 4:15pm

We’ve had a fabulous week in Year 3, writing plans, finding fractions of amounts and discussing the Ten Commandments and why Christians follow the rules.

In English, we have started to plan our threat narrative about the Iron Man.  We used the weather to build suspense and thought about putting in details such as background noises, flickering lights, dark shadows and tricky terrains such as muddy or uneven ground to gradually add to the atmosphere.

In Maths, we have been learning about money and finding fractions of amounts. To find a fraction of an amount, we have to work out how much that part is worth within the whole.  If you would like to practise at home try sharing objects equally to find fractions of amounts. You could do this by using things around the house – for example, grapes, buttons, beads, or pieces of dried pasta… the options are endless!

In Computing, we made figures from modelling clay ready to take photographs of.  We made sure our figures had poseable limbs ready to move and snapshot for our book trailer.  It was such fun!

In Forest School, we made Roman from paracord. The Romans loved jewellery, especially solid gold bracelets, armlets and rings.  Bracelets or armlets in the form of a coiled snake or serpent were very popular. The snake or serpent was thought to be a protection against evil. The bracelets or armlets were usually worn on the wrist or upper arms, often in pairs.

In PE, we played rounders, we learnt how to bowl the ball and hold the bat correctly.  We had a little game and learnt how to field too!

In music, we learnt a new song called ‘I Feel Good’ were we learnt the process of tonguing.  Tonguing is a technique used with wind instruments to enunciate notes using the tongue on the palate or the reed or mouthpiece. A silent "tee" is made when the tongue strikes the reed or roof of the mouth causing a slight breach in the air flow through the instrument.

In RE, we continued our lesson on the Ten Commandments.  The Ten Commandments were laws spoken by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. They were then written, according to the Bible, on stone tablets by the “finger of God”.  We discussed the rules and why Christian’s follow them.  We then thought about how hard it is to keep these rules.

In art, we began to design our sculptures of robots in the style of Jeff Koons.  Jeff Koons renowned for his stainless steel, balloon-like sculptures is one of the world's most famous and controversial contemporary artists.  We were amazed to find out that one of his sculptures sold at auction for £72,517,900.00.

We hope you all have a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend, breathe in the extra day and give thanks.

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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