Year 4 W/B 18th November 2024
Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 2:43pm
Wow, what an unexpected snowy week! The children have loved playing in the snow with their friends.
In English this week we have begun to plan our own versions of our text ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. We have explored the use of apostrophes for possession and also using expanded noun phrases to improve our writing. The children have thought carefully about the language that they are going to use in their writing next week, we can’t wait to see them apply all their skills to create their stories next week.
We have also begun our new spelling scheme, ‘Ready, Steady, Spell’. The children have been introduce to the format of our lessons and have begun to explore some new techniques to help them to learn spellings. We have sent home a little booklet today which will hopefully explain some of the things you can do with your children to help them learn how to spell new words.
In Maths we have continued our work on Multiplication looking at the 7, 8, 11 and 12 times tables. The children have found these a little more challenging than some of the more familiar tables and any practice they can do will really help with their recall of these facts.
We were very excited to see the snow had fallen ready for our Forest School session on Tuesday. We continued our PSHE learning with Mrs Field in the first session, thinking about our value of ‘Respect’ and how we can demonstrate this value to the other children in our class. Taking this learning outside helped us to work collaboratively to build some shelters to help us shelter from the weather.
In our Art lesson Mrs Taylor was really impressed by our sewing skills. We selected a piece of fabric and used different embroidery threads to practice a running stitch to create a pattern onto the fabric.
We started our RE lesson with visit from a new born baby and her mum. We talked about all the special preparations that need to be in place before the baby arrives and how she changed the lives of the people around her. Then linked this to the very special even when God became present as Jesus on Earth (incarnation.) Christians believe that God is present all the time but cannot see him. We looked at the name ‘Emmanuel’ which means ‘God with us’
We finished the week with our Geography lesson where we continued to find out about the River Nile. This week we researched the Aswan Dam exploring what it is, why it was built and the positives and negatives of the dam being built.
Thank you so much for all of your kind donations today to help support our Christmas fair, we are really grateful for your continued support. We hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your family and we look forward to another fun week of learning next week.
The Year 4 Team