Year 4 wb 9.9
Date: 14th Sep 2024 @ 11:54am
Once again, thank you to Year 4 for a fabulous week. We are now back into our routine timetable- each morning consists of an hour of English, an hour of Maths, as well as a Guided Reading session and a Spelling focus.
This week our Spelling focus was the prefix mis-, as in misheard and misspell (my personal favourite). From Monday, I will be setting 8-10 spelling words to practice throughout the week and we will have an informal test on a Friday after our Celebration assembly.
Our Guided Reading was very interesting this week, as we scoured through our text for evidence of how whales adapted. We were very surprised to learn that, in order to float, whales sleep half of their brain at a time!
Our English writing will develop next week into paragraphs but this week we have been developing those expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials that will lift our writing.
Maths has continued with a focus on Place Value. Our key vocabulary this week has been place holder, column, thousands and represent. We have also worked on our two times table. Next week, we will embed our three times table.
This half term’s RE unit focuses on the beautiful writing in the Psalms and the life of David. In this week’s session, the children wrote their own poem of Love.
As the week ended, it was a pleasure to tell the school how noticeably kind Year 4 are to each other. Two children particularly stood out this week- Ronaele and Arlo- for their consideration and kindness.
We are still receiving back our photo permission forms but I hope to add photos next week.
We are looking forward to seeing you all again next week. Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Porteous, Miss Gadsby and Mrs Marshfield.