Year 5 - Spring 1
Date: 19th Feb 2019 @ 8:05pm
I hope you are all enjoying you half term break.
The children have been extremely busy over the last 6 weeks and I am so proud of their wonderful progress.
In English we have written diary entrys for, and biographies about Henry ‘Box’ Brown, a slave who mailed himself to freedom. This has been linked to our topic work and I have been impressed by children’s knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject. I have honestly never seen them so quiet as when we first read the book.
Next term we will continue the theme using ‘Unspoken’ as our stimulus. The picture book tells the story of a slave escaping during the American Civil War.
In maths we have been working on multiplication and division. Everyone has improved their times tables recall which has helped their learning. The homework games will also help to further develop these skills so please encourage children to try them more than once.
Next half term we will be looking at Fractions and moving on to decimals and percentages towards the end of the term.
We have lots of other things to look forward to. On Thursday 28th February we have a visit from Roberts bakery. All children will bake their own small loaf to bring home, learn about the science involved in bread making and find out more about the different job roles at Roberts. This will be a great stimulus for our science learning on reversible and irreversible reactions.
We have a PE session with Mr Capewell to look forward to in March and we will also be preparing to lead the Easter service in church on Friday 29th March.
I hope that the children have been extra helpful this week with their sponsored chores. If you haven’t already, please do take time to watch some of the videos on the Our Altered Life you tube channel. It really is inspiring to see Harry and children with similar conditions overcoming their difficulties. Year 5 particularly enjoy watching him playing the piano.
I look forward to seeing you all back in school next week.