Year 5 WC 22nd November
Date: 27th Nov 2021 @ 8:13am
We've had another busy couple of weeks in Year 5 and it's only set to get even busier as we head closer to Christmas. This week we have been writing cliffhanger narratives inspired by our text, The Errand. The children have blown me away with their descriptive writing using similes, metaphors and personification to create atmosphere and tension. It's been wonderful to see their motivation and excitement to produce a piece of writing they are proud of.
In Maths we are working on multiplication and division. We have been working on multiples, factors and prime numbers. I know the children worked really hard in Year 4 to learn their times tables which has certainly helped them with this work. Please encourage your child to keep this up by regularly playing on TT Rockstars.
This week has been our Computing week and we have been using a programme called Sonic Pi to code music. They have been tinkering with different commands and looking at how to use tempo, rhythm, pitch and timbre to create mood. We linked this to our English text, The Errand as they coded music to create a soundtrack for the story. As we learnt more commands, we then linked it to our guided reading text, Rooftoppers. We took a chapter from the story and created a sountrack that would fit with the character's movements and feelings.
In Science we have been learning about life cycles. The children researched the llife cycles of different animals including birds, reptiles, mammals and amphibians and then they made comparisons. Following on from this, we learnt about reproduction in animals and how this compares between mammals and birds, reptiles and fish. Linking to our previous learning in maths, the children then created a graph to explore the relationship between average life expectancy and average gestation/incubation period.
In RE we have been learning about different Christian communities: Chester Cathedral, Iona and Taise. After completing their own research about a chosen community, they shared what they had found and we discussed the similarities and differences. On Thursday we visited St Oswalds and the children had the opportunity to ask Rev Sandi questions about being a leader of her church community and how she works to create a world that Jesus wants.